Introduction to Revelation
The Book of Revelation
Author: John the Apostle
Date: Sometime between AD 81-96
Genre: Prophetic and Apocalyptic Literature
Purpose: To reveal the victory and vindication of the Lamb and His people
Introduction (1:1-3)
Christ revealed as Lord over the Churches (1:4-3:22)
Christ revealed as Lord over all Creation (4:1-20:15)
Christ revealed as Lord over New Heaven and New Earth (21:1-22:5)
Closing Exhortation (22:6-21)
Introductory Thoughts:
The book of Revelation has been a source of wonder, fear, blessing, and confusion for the world. Its message is supernatural, its descriptions unimaginable, its symbols seemingly incomprehensible, its power undeniable. Many of its teachings have even made it into the secular world, including terms like “Judgement Day”, figures like the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, and the number “666.” But if all the Bible was written for the sanctification of Believers (2 Timothy 3:16-17), how are we supposed to be sanctified by the mysterious truths in Revelation?
The answer is found in the opening statement of this great book:
The revelation of Jesus Christ…
Revelation 1:1a
Though the word “Apocalypse” today is usually related to destruction and the end times, the word originally meant something like unveiling, uncovering, revealing what was once concealed. And that is what this book is ultimately about. It is about unveiling the glorious, powerful, and holy identity of Jesus Christ.
Ever since the times of the Gospel, people have misunderstood and underestimated Jesus. There has always been the common belief that Jesus was just a man or that even if He was God, He was a God only of kindness and softness. Tragically, the world has misinterpreted His love and humility for weakness. He is, after all, a Lamb right?
Yet in Revelation we see that the Lamb is also the Lion. The Savior is also the Lord. The humble servant is the holy King of Kings. And on Judgement Day, perfect righteousness will be demanded from the whole earth. The world will dissolve away like snow in a summer’s day, time will expose the emptiness of worldly accomplishments and riches, and Believers will be vindicated as the glorious Children of God. And on that day, it will be too late for the world to believe in Him. Because we are saved by faith, but on that day faith will no longer exist for He will stand before us face to face. And He will come to take back all Creation, which is rightfully His alone. The first time Christ came to the earth, He came to offer peace; the second time, He will come to make peace by subduing all rebels and judging all sins.
The book of Revelation is ultimately not about the End Times. The book of Revelation is about Christ: how He will reveal His total victory over sin, unrepentant sinners, and satan, and how He will vindicate His glorious name. All glory be to Christ alone!